Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Endless Cycle.

Month 0: A new envelope from the American Mathematical Society arrives in my mailbox, containing one or two papers to review for Math Reviews. I leave the envelope in my mailbox.

Month 2: I receive an e-mail reminder from the AMS that I have articles to review for them, and that I should complete the reviews in a timely manner. I remove the envelope from the mailbox, open the envelope, scan the titles of the papers enclosed, return the papers to the envelope, and return the envelope to the mailbox.

Month 4: I receive a second e-mail reminder from the AMS, essentially duplicating the two-month reminder. I remove the envelope from my mailbox, and place the articles on a corner of my desk.

Month 6: I receive a final reminder from the AMS, promising to publicly humiliate me in various ways if I do not submit a review within approximately 30 days.

Month 6 + 3 Weeks: I read the papers and submit reviews to the AMS.

Month 8: A new envelope from the American Mathematical Society arrives in my mailbox, containing one or two papers to review for Math Reviews.